Aja Amontea
Aja Amontea has been with Galway for the past 8 years. She holds her E license. She began with a U11 Premier team, which she saw through their U19 year, and a U10 Club team. Currently, she is the Head Coach of the U16 Girls Elite team(since their U10 year).
Aja began her coaching career with a U12 South Shore Select team and later went on to a position as the Assistant Coach for the Emerson College Wome's team. After taking time off from coaching to get her M.A. from Emerson, and having her first child, she returned to the field as the Assistant Girls' Varsity Coach at Thayer Academy in 2009, where she helped lead the team to the ISL semi-finals.
As a player, Aja spent several years with Select, captained her team at UMass Dartmouth, and spent a season with Bay State Select in the WPSL. Currently, Aja plays in the Old Colony Women’s Soccer League and plays in as many indoor sessions and adult tourneys as she can manage in between being a mom of 2 and a shop owner.